So I've been a little off the radar on here for a while. Been busy cookin a new addition to the Dillon clan. On September 4th, our little Jamie Carson made his appearance! I've been in newborn heaven, soaking up every smell and cuddle. It's definitely more calm this time around, which I find strange since there's a toddler running around making a ton of noise. Those first time mom jitters are gone and my heart is twice as full with these two beautiful little boys we've been blessed with.
My mom and sisters threw me the cutest baby "sprinkle." It was all themed around this quilt I wanted to get for Jamie that had clementines on it. We ran with it and there were "cutie" clementines everywhere. My fam loves a themed party! My sister Darcy makes floral crowns and made me the prettiest one with little orange beads and greenery. It looked like I had a crown of tiny clementines. Check out her Etsy shop, Forever Les Fleurs. I've used several of her crowns in my sessions. They're perfect for photoshoots, baby showers, weddings, a Tuesday...check her out!
I even carried the theme into my maternity pics. The were taken in a beautiful tree nursery - California Tropical Fruit Trees, owned by an amazing family, the Coles, and my sister Darcy was kind enough to help snap the shots. Calum loved running around and getting completely covered in dirt. After we were done, the owner Perry let us pick some of the most delicious plums and apples I have ever tasted!
Then in probably the hottest week of the entire summer, little Jamie arrived! I remember thinking in the days leading to his birth, "I just want to go to the hospital and be in the AC!" I ended up having a c section due to complications with Calum's birth. Raymie and I went from making jokes and laughing (primarily at the dad hurling in the operating room right next to us), to seeing our baby boy all in the span of 30 odd minutes. A whole other experience compared to Calum's delivery! The hardest part of my c section was not being able to hold Jamie for about 3 hours. He had to be rushed to the NICU because his heart rate and breathing kept fluctuating. Even though that felt like an eternity, I'm so lucky he was ok! My heart goes out to those parents who's babies are in there for days or weeks. Once we got home I knew I needed to do his Newborn Session in a few days, but recovery was also important. I wasn't sure how it was going to work, but I made sure not to put too much pressure on myself to get a ton of shots. I ended up getting quite a few and it only took me 3 hours! Calum's took me three days because he was way too alert and was just not having it.
Jamie has been such a dream baby! He's now almost two months old, but it feels like he's been here forever. Calum seems to be warming to his big brother role each day. My husband and I are very lucky to have these beautiful boys!